The legacy of Baroness Susan (Sue) Ryder of Warsaw (1924-2000) and Group Captain Leonard Cheshire VC (1917-1992) lives on at a student residential hall at Campion College, Sydney, with the official naming of the Ryder-Cheshire Hall at Campion College on 5 October 2023. Campion College is Australia’s first tertiary education liberal arts college. The keynote […]
Renovate and Repair ICT Clinic at Klibur Domin
The Rotary Australia Worldwide Community Service (RAWCS) Project-Renovate and Repair Clinic has been assisting Klibur Domin’s information, communication and technology upgrade. Andrew Seagrave and Katrina Newman have spent two weeks as volunteers with this Rotary service project to assist Klibur Domin’s ICT. This is part of the journal that Katrina wrote. Week 1 Andrew hit […]
Vale Patricia Prendergast 13.01.1921 to 08.01.2023
Patricia was a Loreto past pupil, having attended Loreto in Adelaide for all of her schooling. Her daughters attended Loreto in Ballarat. She initiated the Loreto College to support Raphael which in recent years has moved to Klibur Domin. Sadly, we said goodbye to our dear friend and loyal supporter on a hot summer’s day […]
Vale Air Marshal John ‘Jake’ Newham AC, RAAF (Retd)
Air Marshal (AM) Jake Newham (Ret’d) passed away on 27 December 2022. Jake Newham commenced his Air Force career in 1951 as a pilot trainee. He served with 77SQN in Korea followed by postings to No 1 BFTS, 3SQN, 2OCU, Commanding Officer 3SQN and ARDU, Officer Commanding RAAF Base Laverton and No 82 Wing. AM […]
Lady Ryder of Warsaw Memorial Trust (LRWMT)
In July, the LRWMT began a series of posts on its Facebook and Instagram pages all about Sue Ryder’s incredible life with photos, stories and numbers. This is a lead up to celebrating what would have been her 100th birthday in March 2024. You will also be able to follow this through the Ryder-Cheshire Facebook […]
Tenison Woods College
Tenison Woods College will visit Timor-Leste. It is with great excitement that we will be having two Timor-Leste immersion programs this year in July and September. Our students are holding fundraising activities such as our Junior School’s stationery drive. All the money raised will be distributed to the communities we visit – Bakhita Centre, Dominican […]
Bina Day
Rachel McKay and I were thrilled and honoured to represent Ryder-Cheshire at Ballarat Grammar’s annual Bina Day on Friday, 19 May 2023. The Junior School students had done the most amazing job of preparing all types of stalls for the event. We couldn’t help but be in awe of their imaginative ideas and preparation. Julian Hopkins, Deputy […]
Garton – The Gift of Water
How fortunate we are to have received an extremely generous donation from Ballarat Grammar Junior School in support of a project of considerable significance at Klibur Domin! On learning of the particular difficulties experienced by residents at the Uma Garton Cottage, we found it was not difficult to decide on the appropriate project to support. […]
Mount Blowhard Primary School
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s up the Mountain We Go! December last year, we joined the Mount Blowhard Primary School for their annual walk-a-thon. All the students, their teachers and some parents undertook their walk-a-thon to raise money for their Sponsored student at Raphael in India. There was lots of excitement and chatter as the […]
New Zealand Volunteers
Celebrating Volunteers A question to you all. Why do we volunteer? We certainly don’t do it for the weekly pay packet! Nearly 50% of the population in Australia and NZ are volunteers. It has been calculated in NZ, a population of 5 million, that the value of the volunteer dollar contributes over $4 billion each […]