Contact Us

Contact Us

Ryder-Cheshire Australia

President – Paul Fearon
Email: President

Enquiries: 0417 803 627
Postal address: PO Box 51 Glen Iris, Victoria 3146

Email: Administration

Email: Treasurer


New South Wales
Chris Hannan
02 9416 7569
E-mail: New South Wales

South Australia
Rory McEwen
E-mail: South Australia

Michael Moignard
03 9459 8040
E-mail: Victoria

Support Groups

Ballarat Support Group
Dianne McGrath
0411 874 756
E-mail: Ballarat
Mail Address: PO Box 542 Ballarat 3353

Bendigo Support Group
Hugh Elphinstone
03 5443 1163
E-mail: Bendigo

Adelaide Friends
E-mail: Adelaide Friends


Mt Gambier Home
Matthew Dixon
E-mail: Mt Gambier Home

Victorian Homes Foundation
Kathy Oswin
E-mail: Victorian Homes


Susie Mackerras
Ryder-Cheshire Volunteers Co-ordinator
E-mail: Volunteering


Newsletter & Website

Latest News

 There is a new video of Father Ted Burns talking about Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste 


We welcome you to walk around the four facilities that are part of the Ryder-Cheshire Family?

These are a series of walk through videos of Raphael, Klibur Domin, Victorian Homes, Mt. Gambier Homes
Also a talk by  Dr. Elizabeth Cheshire describing all the different organisations which were started by her parents. Click Here

 Archival Audio Leonard Cheshire – Carolyn Jones 1989

Ryder-Cheshire Constitution 2021
These are links to our latest newsletters

 Red Feather Issue 102
Klibur Domin
Victorian Homes 
Mt. Gambier Homes