

Join Ryder-Cheshire Australia

We warmly invite you to join us in our work ‘for the relief of suffering’ at the overseas homes; Raphael, India and Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste.

100% of the money raised for the two overseas homes goes to the two overseas homes:
Raphael in India and Klibur Domin in Timor-Leste.

We have been in existence for over 60 years.

100% of our work is carried out by Volunteers.

Join as a member for $20.00 per calendar year.
or you may wish to join as a supporter.

You will receive newsletters and updates.

As a member you are entitled to attend the RCA AGM and to vote.

if you wish to use the online form click the button below.


You can download a PDF of the form to save to your hard drive and print.

Latest News

 There is a new video of Father Ted Burns talking about Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste 


We welcome you to walk around the four facilities that are part of the Ryder-Cheshire Family?

These are a series of walk through videos of Raphael, Klibur Domin, Victorian Homes, Mt. Gambier Homes
Also a talk by  Dr. Elizabeth Cheshire describing all the different organisations which were started by her parents. Click Here

 Archival Audio Leonard Cheshire – Carolyn Jones 1989

Ryder-Cheshire Constitution 2021
These are links to our latest newsletters

 Red Feather Issue 104
Klibur Domin
Victorian Homes 
Mt. Gambier Homes