About Us

About Us

The mission of Ryder-Cheshire Australia  is

 . . . the relief of suffering without discrimination.


Leonard Cheshire and Sue Ryder at Raphael

Ryder-Cheshire Australia (RCA) supports two overseas Homes Raphael in India, Klibur Domin in Timor-Leste also two Australian Homes in Mt. Gambier and Melbourne. 

Separately incorporated Foundations in NSW, South Australia and Victoria operate autonomously and there are Support Groups in Ballarat and Bendigo, and an online Friends of Klibur Domin.

Overall policy is co-ordinated by the RCA Board which meets several times a year.  It also convenes a Biennial Conference for all supporters.   

RCA, its Foundations and Support Groups are run entirely by volunteers at all levels, ensuring 100% of  all donations reach the intended recipients  and programs.  It is an organisation that is making a real difference to the lives of people who are sick, have a disability, or are destitute; with a proven record of achieving its goals for over sixty years.

The Foundations and Support Groups raise funds in a variety of ways to support the humanitarian work at the Ryder-Cheshire Homes: Raphael in Uttarakhand India and Klibur Domin in Timor-Leste


Under the auspice of Ryder-Cheshire Australia there are three independent,  incorporated State Foundations in:

Support Groups

There are two Ryder-Cheshire Support Groups in Australia.

Ballarat, Victoria

Ryder-Cheshire Foundation Victoria Inc. Ballarat Support Group

Bendigo, Victoria

Ryder-Cheshire Foundation Victoria Inc. Bendigo Support Group

Historically these Support Groups were set up, mostly in regional centres, to raise awareness of Ryder-Cheshire’s mission the relief of suffering without discrimination and to seek donations and sponsorships for residents of Raphael, for their health and education.

The Support Groups now also sponsor health and disability programs at Klibur Domin. They promote sponsorships and undertake fundraising to support the work of the State Foundations.

Ryder Cheshire Homes Overseas

There are two Ryder-Cheshire Homes in Australia, located at Mount Gambier, South Australia and Ivanhoe, Victoria. They both function independently, under the governance of their own committees, and strive to achieve the shared goal the relief of suffering without discrimination. 

Each Home responds to this challenge in its own unique way:

Mount Gambier Homes

Victorian Homes



Latest News

 There is a new video of Father Ted Burns talking about Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste 


We welcome you to walk around the four facilities that are part of the Ryder-Cheshire Family?

These are a series of walk through videos of Raphael, Klibur Domin, Victorian Homes, Mt. Gambier Homes
Also a talk by  Dr. Elizabeth Cheshire describing all the different organisations which were started by her parents. Click Here

 Archival Audio Leonard Cheshire – Carolyn Jones 1989

Ryder-Cheshire Constitution 2021
These are links to our latest newsletters

 Red Feather Issue 102
Klibur Domin
Victorian Homes 
Mt. Gambier Homes