Mother Teresa Sisters Visit Raphael

Sisters of Mother Teresa visiting Raphael accompanied by residents of Raphael

This month, November, Raphael had a visit from the Mother Teresa Sisters from Calcutta. They were enamoured of the great work that is being done in the areas of education and rehabilitation for children and adults in the region for the relief of suffering.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Anne Boyd, a volunteer from Australia had many trips to Raphael where she worked as a nurse.  During this time Mother Teresa visited Raphael where Anne met her.
As a result of this meeting a friendship was struck, and Mother Teresa invited Anne to join her working as a nurse in Calcutta in January 1972.

Anne described this time as a rewarding experience as she knew the culture and language. She found Mother Teresa expected much of others but even more of herself and seemed to get by with little food and sleep. Sadly after many years working for the relief of suffering in Australia, Anne passed away.

Carolyn Tapley, Chairman Ryder-Cheshire Foundation New Zealand

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 Archival Audio Leonard Cheshire – Carolyn Jones 1989

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