Lady Ryder of Warsaw Memorial Trust (LRWMT)

In July, the LRWMT began a series of posts on its Facebook and Instagram pages all about Sue Ryder’s incredible life with photos, stories and numbers.

This is a lead up to celebrating what would have been her 100th birthday in March 2024.

You will also be able to follow this through the Ryder-Cheshire Facebook and Instagram pages.

Latest News

 There is a new video of Father Ted Burns talking about Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste 


We welcome you to walk around the four facilities that are part of the Ryder-Cheshire Family?

These are a series of walk through videos of Raphael, Klibur Domin, Victorian Homes, Mt. Gambier Homes
Also a talk by  Dr. Elizabeth Cheshire describing all the different organisations which were started by her parents. Click Here

 Archival Audio Leonard Cheshire – Carolyn Jones 1989

Ryder-Cheshire Constitution 2021
These are links to our latest newsletters

 Red Feather Issue 102
Klibur Domin
Victorian Homes 
Mt. Gambier Homes