Terry Warr

It has been a great joy to return to Klibur Domin

It has been a great joy to return to Klibur Domin

It has been a great joy to return to Klibur Domin (KD) in Timor-Leste for the fifth time this year. Following my year volunteering here in 2013, I have endeavoured to return as often as I am able. On this visit I spent three weeks at KD, primarily working with the Managing Director; the Managers […]

Popping into Raphael After Many Years

Popping into Raphael After Many Years

Jenny, my wife, and I recently visited Raphael. I had volunteered at Raphael in 2012 and 2014. We have CEO Mrs Priyo Lall to thank for arranging the airport pick up, the hotel and train tickets back to Delhi. We were met with the warmest of welcomes from Priyo and other staff members, plus Joanne […]

Congratulations Don Hamilton AOM

Congratulations Don Hamilton AOM

We are all delighted that Don Hamilton has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours List for his services to the community. Don joined the committee of management of the Ryder-Cheshire Victorian Homes soon after it began in 1982 and he is still a member to […]

Vale Brian Summers

Vale Brian Summers

Brian passed away earlier this year. He will be remembered as a supporter of Ryder-Cheshire Foundation Victoria and of Klibur Domin. Through his Rotary club of Rosanna, he supported the Klibur Domin Dental Clinic, visiting KD with a Rotary Dental team in 2018 to share his expertise as a dental technician to set up some […]

Prestigious Award for Klibur Domin

Prestigious Award for Klibur Domin

On Friday 19 May 2023, Klibur Domin received the Medal of the Order of Timor-Leste from the President of Timor-Leste, Jose Ramos Horta, in recognition of its contribution to Timor-Leste and the Timorese people. Klibur Domin’s Managing Director, Joaquim Soares, was bestowed with the Medal in the presence of Peter Newton, Klibur Domin’s original founder. […]

Greetings Ryder-Cheshire Australia Supporters,

Greetings Ryder-Cheshire Australia Supporters,

I hope you enjoyed reading this 100th issue of our newsletter the Red Feather. To celebrate we have added an historical inclusion of highlights from past newsletters. You can access the Red Feather at 100 Issue I am letting you know that Ryder-Cheshire is at a point where we are looking at ways to ensure that […]

Vale Hazel Luke

Vale Hazel Luke

Ballarat Ryder-Cheshire Support Group lost a dear friend on 5 November, 2022. Hazel was a long-time supporter of Ryder-Cheshire and sponsor of Raphael. More recently she supported the Victorian Ryder-Cheshire Homes, Ivanhoe. Ballarat Support group owns a display board which was an initiative from Hazel and it is fondly remembered as ‘Hazel’s Board.’ Her memorial […]

Ryder-Cheshire’s New Board

Ryder-Cheshire’s New Board

Six Directors were appointed as the new Ryder-Cheshire Australia Board at the Ryder-Cheshire Australia Annual General Meeting, Saturday 21 May, 2022. This is an historic moment for RCA. It is the first time that RCA’s Members were able to elect the Directors of the RCA Board. Here are the six new Directors. Congratulations! Peter Colliver OAM […]