I discovered Raphael searching the web. I was looking for a special education school in India were I could do an internship for my university in Germany (I want to become a teacher for children with special needs).

I am really happy that I got in touch with Raphael because I really enjoyed my visit here. The longer I stayed the more I felt at home. I can’t believe the 2 1/2 month are already over. You really feel at home very quickly because the teachers were always so friendly.

In the afternoon I liked visiting the Little White House children. We had a really good time together, they tried to teach me some Hindi and for Founder’s Day we practiced an Indian dance which we performed together.

It was nice to visit some other cities at the weekends and then come back to Raphael to a green island surrounded by the rest of chaotic but wonderful India.

But the thing I will remember most are the children. Their smiles and happiness and the greetings when I walked through Ava Vihar. I liked the moments when I felt useful especially painting with Bohla and generally working around the school.

Thank you for the good introduction to India.

I will miss Raphael and everybody here.


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