‘Our application for a Federal Grant for the second Ryder-Cheshire Mt Gambier Home has been successful. Tony Pasin MP, our local member, announced the Grant on Monday 31st July when he visited the home.
Over the last two months we have been finalising building plans, which we had to have ready regardless, as the terms of receiving a grant require us to commence the project within 90 days. Once tenders are finalised we expect to begin construction before the end of the year and would hope to open the second home by October 2018.
The budget for the new home is $1.2m of which the Federal Grant is $537,000. The balance is being financed by significant donations, our cash reserves and a bank loan. The grant from RCA of $100,000 is greatly appreciated and again I thank the RCA Board for the support of our project. Similarly, the donation of $100,000 from the sale of the Ryder-Cheshire Singleton was a major contribution to our budget. There have also been several smaller but still significant donations.
This second home will make a significant difference to the lives of another five young disabled members of our community. It will also greatly enhance and further the image of Ryder-Cheshire both locally and on the wider front.’

Neville Gilbertson, Chairman Ryder-Cheshire Mt Gambier Home Board
Some history pre Friday 31st July 2017 as reported in the Ryder-Cheshire Mt Gambier Home Newsletter, June 2017
When we received the disappointing news that our bid for National Stronger Regions Fund funding had failed the Mt Gambier Home Board was determined that if there was a next time we would put in a better bid.

Member for Barker, Mr Tony Pasin, advised us of a new Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) that became available in early 2017.
In order to improve our chances, we commissioned architect Stephen Herbert to redraw the concept plan to include some suggested improvements and to get the build costed by an independent cost consultant Mr Chris Sale. This was done so that we would be able to say we were “shovel ready” and we would be able to sign a contract with the Government within 90 days if we were advised that we were successful. We submitted an application for BBRF funding in late February.
Last December we approached Council to discuss the possible siting of the home and were advised that we would need to seek a road closure. It is not really a closure but more a rationalisation to match the existing logical boundary. Council graciously agreed to pay all reasonable costs. This follows the Council’s donation of the land now over 10 years ago. This process is time consuming but our surveyor has provided all the information to Council and all approvals are now in place. Now it is a matter for the Lands Title Office to register the change.
To ensure that we are ready to proceed we contracted architect Stephen Herbert to draw up detailed plans and specifications, to seek council approval, and to obtain fixed price quotes for the build. This has the advantage of minimising any financial risk to the Board.
The new plan builds on our experience with the current home and is expected to be even more satisfactory for the residents. Access has been a challenge but we believe we have a workable plan that maximises the garden space.
Discussions with Stephen have continued over the last six months and we believe that we now have a plan that will meet the needs for five new occupants.
We now await the decisions by the Federal government as to whether we have been successful or not.
If we are, then we are almost ready to start!