A glimpse of Raphael and Dehra Dun As the clarion call of the Muslim early Morning Prayer call echoed into my deep sleep at 5.30 am, the cool chill of the winter airbrushed my face. A dash to the bathroom to turn on the hot water cistern was bracing but necessary if I wanted a […]
Where does Grandfather Go?
Ballarat ACU Student Group Develop a Children’s Reading Book with Klibur Domin for Timor Leste The Supporting Community Issues Project is the initiative of the Australian Catholic University and University of Ballarat. It has provided students currently undertaking the Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education with an opportunity to form partnerships with local, national […]
As a final year medical student from the University of Melbourne I was fortunate to travel back to Klibur Domin over November and December 2012. Much had changed over five years from my previous short trip as a physiotherapist in 2007/2008. The services had grown including the important Multi Drug Resistant TB program and many […]
I arrived in Raphael in November 2012 and it was one of the best experiences I ever had. Raphael offers each volunteer a multi-tiered experience. Even if you initially give assistance in one area, being the school, hospital or one of the adult education programs, you will find yourself swept up in the spirit of […]
Will & Sheridan
Volunteering at Klibur Domin (2009) My wife Sheridan and I were delighted to have the opportunity to go to Klibur Domin in East Timor during July-August 2009. Sheridan was a trained nurse and I am a professional engineer. We thought that together we could assist with a wide variety of basic needs and also enjoy […]
Recently I was lucky enough to receive the opportunity to volunteer at Klibur Domin. Though my time there was short, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would encourage any prospective volunteers to give it a go. The staff at Klibur Domin were very friendly and hospitable. They love having volunteers and I immediately felt like […]
To describe the people of Raphael, Ryder Cheshire International Centre, Dehradun, India, I have two words, pride and happiness. It has been a huge privilege to have had the opportunity to volunteer at Raphael.To fall into bed at night exhausted with this overwhelming feeling of contentment and fulfilment after a day’s work, is indescribable.
I did a volunteer placement at Klibur Domin of one month’s duration in 2010. Although I went as an English teacher the role ended up being a little more elastic, encompassing giving English classes to many of the staff, to helping devise and implement activities for the children who are long term residents.
The Water Tank Project
A Ballarat Volunteer at Klibur Domin I have been volunteering at the Ryder-Cheshire Home, Klibur Domin, in East Timor, for three months. I responded to an advertisement that the Ballarat Support Group had advertised in a Newsletter called United Way. After talking with their President, Leo Rennie, and meeting the members, I decided that this […]
Raphael has a very clear sense of history. I felt it the first time my rickshaw drove through the arched gate, the first time I stepped into the volunteers’ mess hall and the first time I met the Ava Vihar children. I felt it the first time I flicked through the past volunteers’ notebook, right […]